Спортивный полноприводный «RENEGADE 1000 XXC» — самый мощный в мире. Он основан на платформе модели OUTLANDER 1000 EFI, но имеет более агрессивный внешний вид, спортивные газовые амортизаторы высокого давления со спортивными настройками.   |   | ![]() |
Квадроцикл, созданный для самых жестких условий эксплуатации. Двухместная база позволяет сохранять устойчивость при преодолении крутых склонов, пневматическая подвеска позволяет менять характер между управляемостью и проходимостью, шины с агрессивным протектором, система интегрированных шноркелей и вынесенный радиатор позволяют преодолевать любую грязь.   |   | ![]() |
Мотовездеходы Can-Am Commander задают новые стандарты мощности, удобства и управляемости. Мотор Rotax 800 V-Twin EFI, знакомый нам по предыдущим моделям BRP Can-Am Outlander и Renegade, производители дополнили мотором Rotax 1000 V-Twin EFI, который сейчас является самым мощным среди моделей класса side by side. Двигатель обладает мощностью 85 лошадиных сил и тоже занимает лидирующее положение среди моделей этого класса по экономичности потребления топлива, выигрывая целых 39%.   |   | ![]() |
Этот квадроцикл представляет собой разработанное по новейшим технологиям транспортное средство, обладающее исключительными мощностными характеристиками, самый современный мотовездеход из всех существующих на сегодняшнем рынке, и он таким останется надолго, не оставляя шансов своим конкурентам.   |   | ![]() |
н самый злой из ATV, не отягощенных впрыском. Он лучший в своей нише по соотношению мощности, динамики и веса. Его название дословно переводится как «грубая сила». Да-да, мы говорим о KAWASAKI BRUTE FORCE 750.   |   | ![]() |
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STM усовершенствованный (тюненый) ведомый диск для Сan-am ATV/UTV (1 версия)
Подходит на все модельные года и их разновидности: Can-am Renegade 500; Can-am Renegade 800; Can-am Outlander 500; Can-am Outlander 650; Can-am Outlander 800; Can-am Outlander 1000; Can-am Commander 800; Can-am Commander 1000. Подробнее |
STM усовершенствованный (тюненый) ведомый диск для Сan-am ATV/UTV (2 версия)
Подходит на все модельные года и их разновидности: Can-am Renegade 500; Can-am Renegade 800; Can-am Outlander 500; Can-am Outlander 650; Can-am Outlander 800; Can-am Outlander 1000; Can-am Commander 800; Can-am Commander 1000. Подробнее |
STM усовершенствованный (тюненый) ведомый диск для Сan-am ATV/UTV (3 версия)
Подходит на все модельные года и их разновидности: Can-am Renegade 500; Can-am Renegade 800; Can-am Outlander 500; Can-am Outlander 650; Can-am Outlander 800; Can-am Outlander 1000; Can-am Commander 800; Can-am Commander 1000. Can-am Maverick 1000. Подробнее |
STM усовершенствованный (тюненый) ведомый диск для Polaris ATV/UTV
Подходит на все модельные года и их разновидности: Polaris Sportsman 850; Polaris Sportsman 800; Polaris Sportsman 550; Polaris Sportsman 500; Polaris RZR 800. Подробнее |
STM усовершенствованный (тюненый) ведомый диск для Polaris RZR 900
В связи с переходом в 2011 году Polaris RZR на новые крепления вариатора на модели RZR 900, для него задний диск идет отдельно. Подходит на все модельные года и их разновидности: Polaris RZR 900. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary for RZR or XP with Z1 / APEX Conversion
SKU: 299 PATVD Z1 This Is a Larger Dia. STM Secondary for your Apex or Z1 conversion fits the Polaris RZR or XP Splined shaft. It can be run with our STM Primary or Stock Primary. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary for RZR or XP with Z1 / APEX Conversion (Helix - With Engine Brake)
SKU: 299 PATVD Z1 This Is a Larger Dia. STM Secondary for your Apex or Z1 conversion fits the Polaris RZR or XP Splined shaft. It can be run with our STM Primary or Stock Primary. Подробнее |
STM усовершенствованный (тюненый) ведомый диск для Polaris RZR 1000
В связи с переходом в 2011 году Polaris RZR на новые крепления вариатора на модели RZR 100, для него задний диск идет отдельно. Подходит на все модельные года и их разновидности: Polaris RZR 900. Подробнее |
STM усовершенствованный (тюненый) ведомый диск для Arctic Cat WildCat
Ведомый диск вариатора на UTV Arctic Cat WildCat. Лучшее зажатие ремня, прогрессивное торможение двигателем + возможность более быстрой разгонной динамики. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Gen 2 Can Am (No Helix, No Spring)
SKU: 302 BATVD2 The NEW TRIPLE roller option with a 1.25 diameter roller creates a very consistent smooth upshift and backshift with improved roller wear. This latest design creates a huge improvement in engine braking compared to our dual roller Tuner. All billet construction capable of using compression springs with different spring rate options.We have many helix angles see menu below. We can also provide custom helix angles to your desire for additional fees. We also offer the option of a encapsulated helix design that keeps the driven from unloading,opening and going into high gear during breaking and jumping which some racers require. Can be used along with the stock primary or the STM primary. Best results are aquired when running both the STM primary and STM Tuner together. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Gen 2 Can Am (No Helix)
SKU: 302 BATVD2 The NEW TRIPLE roller option with a 1.25 diameter roller creates a very consistent smooth upshift and backshift with improved roller wear. This latest design creates a huge improvement in engine braking compared to our dual roller Tuner. All billet construction capable of using compression springs with different spring rate options.We have many helix angles see menu below. We can also provide custom helix angles to your desire for additional fees. We also offer the option of a encapsulated helix design that keeps the driven from unloading,opening and going into high gear during breaking and jumping which some racers require. Can be used along with the stock primary or the STM primary. Best results are aquired when running both the STM primary and STM Tuner together. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Gen 2 Can Am (No Spring)
SKU: 302 BATVD2 The NEW TRIPLE roller option with a 1.25 diameter roller creates a very consistent smooth upshift and backshift with improved roller wear. This latest design creates a huge improvement in engine braking compared to our dual roller Tuner. All billet construction capable of using compression springs with different spring rate options.We have many helix angles see menu below. We can also provide custom helix angles to your desire for additional fees. We also offer the option of a encapsulated helix design that keeps the driven from unloading,opening and going into high gear during breaking and jumping which some racers require. Can be used along with the stock primary or the STM primary. Best results are aquired when running both the STM primary and STM Tuner together. Подробнее |
STM усовершенствованный (тюненый) ведомый диск на снегоход Arctic Cat
Подходит на все модельные года и их разновидности: Arctic Cat Jaguar Z1; Arctic Cat F7; Arctic Cat ZR900; Arctic Cat M Series; Arctic Cat F Series; Arctic Cat Crossfire. Подробнее |
STM усовершенствованный (тюненый) ведомый диск на снегоход Yamaha
Подходит на все модельные года и их разновидности: Yamaha RX1; Yamaha Apex; Yamaha Warrior. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Polaris Gen 2 (No Helix, No Spring)
SKU: 299 PATVD2 The NEW TRIPLE roller option with a 1.25 diameter roller creates a very consistent smooth upshift and backshift with improved roller wear. This latest design creates a huge improvement in engine braking compared to our dual roller Tuner. All billet construction capable of using compression springs with different spring rate options.We have many helix angles see menu below. We can also provide custom helix angles to your desire for additional fees. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Polaris Gen 2 (No Helix)
SKU: 299 PATVD2 The NEW TRIPLE roller option with a 1.25 diameter roller creates a very consistent smooth upshift and backshift with improved roller wear. This latest design creates a huge improvement in engine braking compared to our dual roller Tuner. All billet construction capable of using compression springs with different spring rate options.We have many helix angles see menu below. We can also provide custom helix angles to your desire for additional fees. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Polaris Gen 2 (No Spring)
SKU: 299 PATVD2 The NEW TRIPLE roller option with a 1.25 diameter roller creates a very consistent smooth upshift and backshift with improved roller wear. This latest design creates a huge improvement in engine braking compared to our dual roller Tuner. All billet construction capable of using compression springs with different spring rate options.We have many helix angles see menu below. We can also provide custom helix angles to your desire for additional fees. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Polaris Gen 2
SKU: 299 PATVD2 The NEW TRIPLE roller option with a 1.25 diameter roller creates a very consistent smooth upshift and backshift with improved roller wear. This latest design creates a huge improvement in engine braking compared to our dual roller Tuner. All billet construction capable of using compression springs with different spring rate options.We have many helix angles see menu below. We can also provide custom helix angles to your desire for additional fees. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Polaris Gen1 (No Helix, No Spring)
SKU: 299 PATVD All billet construction capable of using compression springs with adjustable spring rate options. We have many helix angles, see below. We can also provide custom multiple helix angles to your desire for additional fees. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Polaris Gen1 (No Helix)
SKU: 299 PATVD All billet construction capable of using compression springs with adjustable spring rate options. We have many helix angles, see below. We can also provide custom multiple helix angles to your desire for additional fees. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Polaris Gen1 (No Spring)
SKU: 299 PATVD All billet construction capable of using compression springs with adjustable spring rate options. We have many helix angles, see below. We can also provide custom multiple helix angles to your desire for additional fees. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Polaris Gen1 (No Spring, Helix - With Engine Brake)
SKU: 299 PATVD All billet construction capable of using compression springs with adjustable spring rate options. We have many helix angles, see below. We can also provide custom multiple helix angles to your desire for additional fees. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Polaris Gen1
SKU: 299 PATVD All billet construction capable of using compression springs with adjustable spring rate options. We have many helix angles, see below. We can also provide custom multiple helix angles to your desire for additional fees. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Secondary Polaris Gen1 (Helix - With Engine Brake)
SKU: 299 PATVD All billet construction capable of using compression springs with adjustable spring rate options. We have many helix angles, see below. We can also provide custom multiple helix angles to your desire for additional fees. Подробнее |
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STM Tuner Wildcat Driven Clutch
SKU: 297 WATVD All new roller driven clutch for the Arctic Cat Wildcat. Billet aluminum and steel construction with large rollers for smooth shifting. This design improves belt life and engine braking and incorporates an interchangeable compression style spring. There are different helix options available as shown below and custom options upon request. You can run this driven with the stock primary or for optimum performance run with the STM Rage VI. Подробнее |
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Комплекты восстановления ведомого вариатора
Комплекты и запчасти для восстановления и проведения планового технического обслуживания ведомых вариаторов. Подробнее |