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GBC Race Rex ATV Tires 20x11-9

GBC Race Rex ATV Tires 20x11-9

Designed with a multi tier, pre-grooved knob the Race Rex gives you more flexibility with greater traction.  Made from GBC's well known rubber compound this tire is made to last.

- GBC Race Rex ATV tires are sold individually.
- In most cases our GBC ATV tires ship out within 1 business day!
- Great tire for all trail and track conditions.
- 6 ply atv tire.
- 1/2" Tread Depth

GBC Race-Rex Tire Specs

Tire Size  - 20x11-9 
Ply  -
Tread Depth 32nds (Inches)  - 16/32 (.5") 
Weight - N/A


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Цена: руб.
Артикул: 35959
Цена: руб.
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